
When Does God Pass Through The Animals

Last Updated on 2021-ten-12 by

As an atheist, I obviously do non believe in God. I can't be absolutely sure that there is no divine being of some sort but I retrieve it is beyond any reasonable doubt that the God of the Bible (or Torah and Koran for that matter) doesn't exist. Here are my Top 10 reasons God does non exist.

For a improve agreement of my personal reasons to exist an atheist, you may desire to check out this article besides. If you believe in God or find yourself in incertitude, you will want to read 10 bad reasons to believe in God and ix logical reasons why there is no God.

10. People speak for God.

According to Christians, Jesus walked the Globe in the flesh, appeared to people afterward his alleged death and God even spoke direct to people similar Abraham and Moses. This all happened a long time agone though and no direct show exists to support these events. Present, there are however people who merits to speak for God and people who claim that God speaks to them. Many of them sound like they have mental problems and would be a source of embarrassment if they were the spokesperson of anyone today. Why would an omnipotent and benevolent God accept such people speak for him? If God really existed, he would speak for himself.

9. And so many gods to cull from.

Christians (and other religions) claim that their God is the one truthful God and all the others aren't real. It'due south unclear how they determined this. Why is their God the existent matter and not any of the others? Circumstance appears to dictate which God you believe in, like place of birth and the organized religion of your parents. Children growing up in a home without faith, abound up without believing in God unless someone tells them. If there were ane truthful God who wanted to save people, he would reveal himself. The fact that he doesn't, proves that God doesn't exist.

Which god do you believe in?
Which god do you believe in?

8. God isn't love.

Christians are ever so addicted of telling united states of america that God is love, that he regards u.s. equally his children, that he came to die for our sins and that he wants anybody to be saved. Manifestly, this is not true. If God is our almighty father, it would be trivial for him to save people from dying horrible deaths. If he cared for us like a male parent, he would make sure that none of usa would have to suffer an eternity in hell. That's what an bodily loving parent does.

The God of the Old Testament is the most unpleasant character...
The God of the Old Testament is the nigh unpleasant grapheme…

The God of the Bible appears very different when you actually read the Bible. God has no problems wiping out very nearly anybody on World in a global flood. He commands the Israelites to commit genocide and berates Moses for not being thorough enough. He deliberately hardens the heart of the Pharaoh so that he tin can evangelize the plagues upon Arab republic of egypt. If we don't love him back, he quite happily consigns us to everlasting torture by fire. These are not the actions of a kind, loving begetter but the actions of a psychopath. This proves that God doesn't be, at least not how people adopt to believe in Him.

vii. God supposedly doesn't want to interfere with free volition.

When asked why God no longer performs miracles today, why he doesn't appear to people any more than, nosotros are often told that God has to remain hidden because he doesn't want to interfere with our free volition. If information technology were obvious that he was in that location, of class people would believe in him. Yep, and? Why would that be a problem for God? If he loves usa and wants us to be saved, what better way to ensure that than being painfully obvious for everyone?
Moreover, God had no problem being obvious in the past. He parted the Red Sea, spoke directly with people, appeared in a fiery column, brought people back from the expressionless, incarnated himself and died a public death, appeared after his public decease and many more. Why wasn't it a problem for people witnessing these events to lose their free will? What has changed? Information technology is much more likely that those events are myths and that God doesn't exist. Free will has nothing to do with it.

6. Jesus wasn't a nice person.

Christians all around the world have this warm, fuzzy image of a kind of hippie Jesus avant-la-lettre, who went around preaching dear and forgiveness. That doesn't correspond to what the Bible tells us nigh Jesus, though. At best, Jesus sounds like a hypocrite when he tells people to love their enemies merely at the aforementioned time says that people who don't believe in him, volition be cast into the burn. Jesus besides tells people that he has not come to bring peace but a sword and that we are to hate our relatives if we want to follow him. And what to call up of the Canaanite woman who pleads with Jesus and he sends her away calling her a domestic dog because she is not the right nationality? Or when he kills a fig tree for non bearing fruit at a fourth dimension when figs are out of flavour? That doesn't sound like a loving God but similar a childish, capricious and bigoted person.
The loving Jesus who is as well God? He doesn't be.

v. Jesus failed

Millions of Christians believe that Jesus was God incarnate, God get mankind in this world. He came to die for our sins so that everyone could be saved. Conspicuously, he failed miserably in his mission. Many people don't believe in him and some fifty-fifty believe he may never have existed at all. Many more than people believe in a dissimilar God. And many people have never heard of him. When you recall about it, why didn't Jesus do a better job? Why didn't he do something ameliorate with his omniscience than dying rather anonymously in a barbaric desert region in the Centre East? Subsequently all, being omnipotent and omniscient, he would accept known beforehand that his mission would simply be a success on a limited scale. Fifty-fifty I could observe a better manner to save people without being all-knowing. Conspicuously, the Jesus that Christians believe in, wasn't the almighty and omniscient God that he is made out to be. He doesn't exist.

four. Christians don't trust in God either

I know they profess to believe in God and that God is their saviour and that they put their trust in God. The reality is that they don't actually practise that. If they did, no Christian would have insurance, no Christian would get see a doc and no Christian would need to await before crossing the road. Subsequently all, when God has your back, what could mayhap happen to you, correct? A simple prayer will set up everything straight again, won't it? If it's your time to die, it's your time to die, no? Since they've accustomed Jesus, they'll go straight to heaven, won't they?
Christians don't trust their God whatsoever more than non-Christians do. Why? Because God doesn't exist, that's why.

three. The crucifixion story is utterly unbelievable

Let me save y'all…

The central message of Christianity is that God and then loved the earth, he came down from heaven as a person to die for our sins in a most gruesome way so that we could be forgiven for our sinful nature. Forgiven by whom? Forgiven past the same God who came to dice for us. All you need to do to become a Christian, is believe that this is true and you lot are saved.
When you think logically about it though (and religion rarely stands up nether logical scrutiny), you'll immediately see that this makes no sense at all. For one, why would God demand to be built-in, go flesh? Why go through all this trouble of being built-in, growing upwardly, performing the odd miracle, pedagogy at temple, gathering a bunch of followers, do some more miracles, go arrested, crucified, die, only to come back from the dead three days subsequently? If God, who is allegedly omnipotent, wants to forgive usa, why go through with this elaborate scheme? Why non just forgive everyone and exist washed with it?
In improver, God is omniscient so he knew before always making humans that one day, he'd do all that. Why non but leave that one tree out of attain of Adam and Eve? Surely God knew that they'd swallow from it? None of information technology is necessary! It could all have been prevented, the fall from grace, the flood, the plagues, the genocides, the crucifixion if God had but left that one tree out of the garden of Eden.
The most logical explanation is that none of this is truthful, the garden of Eden never existed and neither does God.

ii. The Bible

Study the Bible, become an atheist...
Report the Bible, become an atheist…

When asked, nearly Christians will tell you that the Bible is the give-and-take of God. In essence, God is the writer of this book. Since God is supposedly perfect, all-seeing and omnipotent, y'all'd look the Bible to exist the most beautiful, near moving, most poetic, most moral and most accurate book of all time.
This is not what you lot find when you read the Bible. Most Christians never carp reading the Bible encompass to encompass and if they did, at that place'd be a lot more atheists in this globe! Instead of a book as I just described, the Bible is full of errors, contradictions, superstition and utterly immoral texts. In that location is not one person amid my readership who could not write a more than moral text. Instead of proving a perfect writer, the Bible reads just like a text you lot'd expect from a barbarian age, an age of slavery, genocide, pestilence, torture and scapegoating.
The Bible proves it's author wasn't divine and that God does not exist.

And lastly, the number one reason why God does not exist:

1. Prayer never works

It may seem to work from fourth dimension to time merely in reality, it doesn't. Attempt praying for something that is deemed impossible and it will never happen. Why? Well, considering it is impossible. Imagine all the people on Earth right now, imagine what they are praying for. People praying for peace in their country, people praying for food, for shelter, for prophylactic, for healing, for the floods to spare them, for a successful test, for anything you can imagine. If you do an assay on the prayers that get answered, you'll run into it is but the prayers that had a adequately realistic chance of coming truthful regardless. You can pass an examination without prayer if y'all study but no matter how hard you pray, food never falls from the heaven, God never restores an amputee, God never brings peace, God never heals a child with terminal cancer. He will aid you detect a parking infinite though.
It should be painfully obvious that prayer accomplishes cypher. In fact, naught fails like prayer!
This is completely at odds with the words of Jesus who promised that anything you ask in his proper name, he'll practise. No conditions, no excuses: inquire and ye shall receive. But y'all don't. Why? God doesn't reply prayers because God doesn't exist.

Terms and conditions...
Terms and atmospheric condition…


These are but my Top ten reasons God does not exist. I'chiliad certain y'all could think of several more but these are the ones I like. What reason exercise you have? Why don't you lot exit me your Peak 10 reasons God does not be in the comments beneath? Accept annihilation else to say about the above? Please leave a comment!

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