What happens when you reach out to a potential pb or start planning a blog mail? Even when deciding on your weekend plans, what'southward the commencement thing y'all do?

Yous decide who you'll be reaching out to, writing the post for, or enjoying your weekend with.

And so it but makes sense that the Growth Stack allows you lot to filter and view contacts in segments to personalize your marketing, reach out to leads, and come across which contacts are like to each other.

This article is all virtually filtering your contacts in HubSpot Marketing and Sales.

What are Filters and Views?

Let's review what filters and views are in the HubSpot CRM. Equally your contacts motion through the funnel, you tin segment them based on specific characteristics. Filters are the individual properties you're segmenting by before saving your custom view.

HubSpot CRM comes with five standard views:

  • My contacts: All contacts assigned to you.
  • All contacts: All contacts you have admission to.
  • My uncontacted: All contacts assigned to you and that don't have any calls, emails, or meetings logged in the CRM.
  • My recently assigned contacts: All contacts that have been assigned to you this month.
  • Phone call queue: A playlist of contacts you can cycle through. Click hither for instructions.

With custom views, you tin filter by any contact property then you can hands see which contacts meet the criteria you've gear up at any given time.

Don't have HubSpot Sales yet? Endeavour it for free .

For example, yous may cull to create a view based on the HubSpot Owner belongings for each sales rep to show leads they ain. You lot also may desire to create a view based on lead condition and the date concluding contacted. You can utilize the same process to segment your companies and deals in the CRM.

You can meet below how to create a filter in the CRM using the contact holding HubSpot Owner.


Want to learn more nearly creating custom views? Bank check out the knowledge commodity here .

Filtering Sales

Why is filtering important for your sales team? In many cases, your CRM could be filled with hundreds or even thousands of contacts. A sales rep looking at this list may think, "where practise I fifty-fifty start?"

To all-time assist your reps in their day-to-day operations, you want them to hands access the people they're working with and make sure nobody'due south falling through the cracks.

Kyle Jepson, the Academy Professor dedicated to HubSpot Sales, recommends each squad set three CRM Views:

  • View #1: My follow-ups
  • View #2: Territories
  • View #3: Housekeeping

You can find more than information well-nigh these views hither .

Having the ability to filter the contacts your sales reps are reaching out to and prioritize them is a huge benefit of the Growth Stack. Just how does filtering help your marketing team?

Marketers yet demand the ability to segment leads. They have the ability to do this on the marketing side of the Growth Stack with list segmentation. This allows any marketer to create lists for email sends, workflow enrollments, and even reporting.

Let'southward tie sales filtering and list sectionalization together.

The Growth Stack Filter

Having segmented lists during the kickoff of your ownership cycle then defended filters and views during the sales process allows for a streamlined marketing-to-sales handoff.

When we speak of filtering in the marketing sense, nosotros speak more towards segmentation: segmenting email lists and pb nurturing workflows and using smart content to show specific content to different segments of contacts.

Filtering and division work manus in hand to create a Growth Stack filter for all your efforts to close customers and continually delight them.

If we think about a filter in the traditional sense, it's a way to separate unlike aspects into smaller portions. When we work together as a squad and filter our contacts from the start, then each of those segments can become high performing and increase team efficiency.


Desire to learn how you tin fix your database upwardly for successful filtering? Bank check out how to build a contact direction strategy.


Originally published Aug x, 2017 11:00:00 AM, updated November 08 2017